
Potting Mix 2.7L Magic Plantation


Made from natural ingredients, this rich mixture drains well and is well aerated: it provides the ideal soil structure for green and flowering houseplants. This light potting soil can be used for both planting and re-potting.




Humus, sphagnum moss, perlite, lime


  • A high quality, well balanced mixture specifically formulated for houseplants that are grown in limited amounts of soil
  • A high quality, well balanced mixture specifically formulated for houseplants that are grown in limited amounts of soil
  • Allows roots to be well anchored
  • Drains well while still retaining moisture between waterings
  • Light weight, so will not uselessly weigh down containers, making it easier to work with them and move them around.

Tips of Rock Giguère

La tourbe de sphaigne n’a pas sa pareille pour améliorer la rétention d’eau dans les sols sableux et même dans les supports de culture naturels. Certaines personnes critiquent son utilisation. Au Québec, les compagnies qui exploitent les tourbières procèdent généralement à la renaturalisation des zones d’extraction de la tourbe.